Candy Gibbs |
Happy summer! I love this time of year…schedules don’t appear to be slowing but I love that it seems we have more time together as a family. I am praying that you are able to cook out with family and friends while your kids jump on the trampoline or sip iced tea in the shade, poolside. Time is a precious commodity and I pray that we are spending it in a way that breeds life-long memories.
This spring our Chosen class studied the significance of the Feasts of the Lord (the Jewish Feasts). If you have never personally spent time learning about the significance and the symbolism that the Feasts, established by the Father, hold…you should. It is like flipping on a light and there is rich nourishment for your soul. The girls and I compared it to playing hide and seek with Jesus and as you delve into these Feasts, you will see the face of your Savior peeking around every corner!
I am including a piece of our Chosen lesson on the Feast of Trumpets which occurs each year in the fall (this year in September). The Feast of Trumpets is representative of the rapture of the church and the message the Lord is sending us in this celebration brings tears to my eyes and great anticipation in my heart. Enjoy!
The Feast of Trumpets is the fifth feast. Four feast precede it: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and Pentecost, all of which have been fulfilled in Christ. This is the first Feast each year that has not yet been fully revealed. In other words, this is the one we anticipate, the one we are waiting on.
Trumpets in Israel had 3 major uses:
· Trumpets gathered an assembly before the Lord (Num. 10:2-4)
· Trumpets sounded a battle alarm (Numbers 10:9)
· Announced the coronation of a new king. (1 Kings 1:34,39)
The last trumpet of GOD will:
v Gather an assembly to the Lord – the Rapture of the Church
v Sound God’s battle alarm – against Satan
v Announce the coming and soon coronation of a new King – the Messiah (Isaiah 2:17)
Let’s pray that we would all turn our focus toward the Kingdom and the great anticipation that must be taking place in the heavenlies. As God the Father lays out His plan for us, those standing in His presence know that the next thing to happen will be for Him to reach for the Shofar and call His family home! Pray that that same anticipation would burn in our hearts and that we would be hard at work, running the race, so that when He calls us home we will have sweat on brows and dirt under our finger nails…that we would have been about His business. Luke 21:28