Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Young Moms

Through a set of circumstances of how I saw myself and responding likewise by a series of bad choices I found myself alone and pregnant.  From struggling as a single mom, it did not take me long to realize I needed something other than my self sufficiency.  Along the way, I found God to be my provider when there was no work.  Periodically, groceries at my door and money in my mail box anonymously appeared.  God was my comforter in times of uncertainty, like the first year of my son's life when he was in the hospital three times.  God was my rock during his rebellious teen-age years.  And, God was my "Perfect Husband" during times of loneliness.  Even in my frailties as a mom, God showed Himself to be faithful to both me and my son.  The gospel was presented to me of the Free Gift of Salvation, I humbly received Jesus Christ as my Savior, began relinquishing control, submitting to HIM, and accept all that He had to offer!  He in essence became "The Perfect One for me" who is worthy of praise, for He has never lied, betrayed, rejected, abused or abandoned me. 

As the years passed, so did a transformation begin in me, through the power of His Holy Spirit, life as I knew it began to change.  From chaos there could be order, emotional disarray could emerge into harmony and balance, confusion was exchanged for peace and instead of insecurity I am now secure in Christ.  I went from doing anything to prove I could be loved, to discovering indescribable, un-conditional love from the Father in Heaven.  I switched from co-dependency to dependence upon God.  The Lord showed me the deception of low self-esteem and revealed to me the truth of being highly esteemed as seen through His eyes.  Then, as if that wasn't enough...  the revelation that changed everything in my life.   Through God's word I began to see His truths and promises which spoke of who I really was!  I discovered that my past, what was done to me, or my lifestyle was not what defined me.  I did not have to live trying to please others.  I didn't have to work at gaining acceptance and approval.  I no longer needed to hang my head in shame and instead, could hold my head high, looking to the ONE who washed me clean by HIS Blood!   In short, "Identity in Christ" broke all the bondage's that served to destroy me and was replaced by experiencing Freedom In Christ because of WHO HE IS, not by what I could do to gain such freedom!!! 

It would therefore, stand to reason that the Lord would burden my heart, (along with other ladies) to share this good news to others.  Hence, my involvement with the Young Mom's class at CareNet Pregnancy Centers.  The purpose of this class is to acquaint ones with where their true identity lay, thus seeing themselves in a "Whole New Light.  In addition, teaching principles and applications which would serve to equip these young ladies in leading productive lives, and raising healthy children,
through classroom discussion, encouragement and workshops.  The good news is Jesus Christ is available to all and meets you right where you are.  The identity connection of who you really are, is Jesus Christ.  With the world's mis-conception that you have to clean-up before you can approach Jesus, we dispel that right from the start with the truths and promises of scripture.  As the Lord has shown me His mighty grace, mercy and forgiveness, so He calls me to extend the same toward others thereby reflecting Christ-likeness so that He may be glorified!   

As a final note allow me to share an example of what a false perception of self can generate.  In no particular order, three failed marriages, left at the alter once (then he committed suicide), an unplanned pregnancy, single motherhood and all by the time I was in my early thirties!!   Needless to say, because of what Jesus Christ did on my behalf, and how He has saved me from myself, restored and redeemed me,  there is no need to ever look back.  The moral of His love story in all of us, is..........
What Christ did on our behalf,  far exceeds what was ever done to us, or what we could ever do and therefore, we can live the victorious freedom filled life in Him which is His desire for us!  Now that's good news in a world run amuck!

Connie Ralston-Starnes