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Stacy Willis |
I always knew I was special because of how my family made me feel and I loved being adopted. At least I loved being adopted until a wounded person in my life told me that my own mother didnt want me. Those words were so hurtful they caused years of damage to my heart. They made me begin to doubt my own self worth. It was not until my early 30’s that believed I really did have a purpose and God had a plan for my life. I was introduced to Psalm 139:13-18,
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts. O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.”
I read that scripture that day and fireworks went off! I was not a mistake. God had a plan for me all along. Wow a plan for me! I think I reread and reread that scripture several times just to make sure I really understood what it was saying. Tears ran down my face. I really was meant to be I really was a gift to my family. Satan had used that one thing for years to destroy my worth, and I let him. After seeing the truth written in His word I was healed. I knew from that day forward I wanted everyone else to know they also were meant to be they had a plan a purpose in this life.
God has given me a lot of wonderful gifts in my life too many to name them all. But one gift I am happy to have been given was CareNet Pregnancy Centers. I had attended some crisis pregnancy banquets in the past. I had heard a director talk at those banquets and at a church. I then had heard Candy Gibbs and her dad speak at a meeting I had attended with a friend at another church. I sat there the whole time thinking how happy I was my birth mother gave me the gift of adoption. I thought how cool would it be to get to work at a place like CareNet and help others in crisis situations.
Wow! Here I am working for CareNet Pregnancy Centers. I am getting to share Psalm 139 and other scripture with many people. This fall we started a post adoption bible study and had two ladies who came and shared their hearts of a precious gift they carried and placed with a family. I am so proud of them. I can’t even imagine the smile on God’s face toward their sacrifice of love that was given to such a precious gift. We also had to precious volunteers help to teach the class that have also been involved with adoption. They have a heart to share their experience with adoption with ladies that take the class. I am so excited for them to share their stories and help the ladies find healing in their hearts upon giving a family an incredible gift. This first class was awesome! If you know someone who has placed a baby in adoption please tell them to call us at CareNet. We would love to be a support to them.
Thank you to all the birthmothers who make a choice to give a gift of a lifetime to others. God is incredible and He blows me away with all He does in my life! I hope He does the same to you!