Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hinds Feet on High Places

Melody Havlick

I have recently started reading a book that I totally identify with; “Hinds Feet on High Places” by Hannah Hurnard.  I relate to this story through the main character Much Afraid. She is desperately trying to get from the Valley of Humiliation to the High Places. Along her travels she will encounter other characters including Cousin Pride, Mrs. Valiant, Mercy, and Peace. The one she will meet and learn to depend upon the most throughout her journey will be the ever-caring Shepherd.
I have been Much Afraid for a huge part of my life and I still see her in the mirror on many days. I remember the first time I heard about CareNet and instantly felt a longing in my heart to volunteer. Candy Gibbs had come to our church to speak on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and I was captivated by what she had to say. The thought that God could use me to volunteer was instantly doused by doubts and whispers of, “You could never do that”, “I don’t have a story to share and I get flustered when I get nervous,” “What if I say the wrong thing and I lead someone the wrong direction?” on and on the lies from my Family of Fears went. The louder they whispered though the more the longing in my heart grew and the journey out of the Valley of Humiliation began.
I called my Mom sometime later and invited her to go with me to volunteer training and she agreed. She began volunteering right away, but I continued to allow any and every excuse to keep me from entering through these doors. Much Afraid was staring me down every time I turned around and my Family of Fears had me paralyzed. My Aunt volunteered in Canyon and finally one day convinced me to come and volunteer when she would be at the Center. I prayed about it and Mercy and Peace walked with me through these doors. Little did I know that day that I entered this house what the Good Shepherd had in store for me, Much Afraid, all along.
I have now been the secretary at CareNet in Canyon going on my fourth year beginning in December. There are still days when I feel like I get everything wrong and fear sets in. I have to remember what I learned in volunteer training and that is that God equips those He calls. Praise the Lord! It has never been about me, but always about HIM! The moment I heard about CareNet for the first time My Shepherd planted a seed deep in my heart that began to grow and it continues still. I am honored and humbled to be a part of this ministry. I still may have days that I wander in the Valley of Humiliation, but Praise God I belong to the Good Shepherd! He not only holds my hand but He has set my feet on High Places.
The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.” Habakkuk 3:19